Saturday, January 15, 2011

Third Sara

Sara B.: Another Sara? Does that mean third times the charm?

Date Recap: So, it seems the two already know each other. This could go one of two ways, good or bad. I mean, if he already knew her, why hasn’t he asked her out on his own? Maybe he’s the type that just needs a little help. They started the date off with brunch. I see there’s still some east coast left in Sara, who didn’t leave NYC too long ago. Brunch seems so east coast. However, the last time I was in NYC I don’t recall any horseback riding trails nearby, so maybe the west coast is starting to rub off on her just a little bit. After all the date was planned around a western theme.  The two joked around, shared their brunch entrees, and took off on a nice and relaxing horseback ride, where apparently Mr. Ed had a mind of his own. Awkward giggles and all, not bad for a third date, not bad. 

First Impression:  She’s cute and stylish, but she seemed a little reserved. Too reserved for Bachelor Rick? He did mention he wants to see her playful side that he could tell was just dying to come out. My question is, then why wasn't the date something that matched her personality?

Surprises: “Surprise” they already know each other.

Second Date Potential: Moderate. If a date #2 is in their future, it looks like Bachelor Buck is going to need something a little more playful involved. This guy likes his woman to be adaptable.

TMB Excitement Level: With the awkward giggles, innocent flirting, and PG touching involved, (it's a good thing this isn't the real show, who knows what would be involved then), it left us viewers wondering what was really going on in Bachelor Rick’s head? 

Creativity Points (1-10): This one gets a 6. Brunch and horseback riding? Maybe it’s creative for those who are used to skipping breakfast and heading straight for the beach in Southern California, but I don’t think planning this date required too much thinking out of the box. But it was still a good date nonetheless.

Final Thoughts:  Seeing that the two knew each other before the date, I think it helped ease some of the awkward first date conversations that is known to be had in this kind of situation. But my question is why did Bachelor Rick never ask her out before?

So, are we dead on, or dead wrong? What do you think?

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