Friday, January 21, 2011

Date #9 Angie

Angie P.: As a courtesy to our new Peruvian friend, we will avoid using any Spanish in this post to avoid offending her by our butchering of the language of love (or is Italian the language of love?).

Date Recap: Bachelor Rick arrives at the apartment of his 9th date. The door opens to reveal a petite Peruvian powerhouse named Angie. Hi Angie! She takes Bachelor Rick to a Peruvian restaurant to experience her culture first-hand. So far so good. On the way out, they leave arm in arm, but wait, not hand in hand? What's up with that, Bachelor Rick?  We were under the impression that you thought you had to hold every date's hand! Maybe later? Okay, we'll see. They go back to Angie's apartment where the Bachelor attempts to make crepes. Mmmm. Crepes. They look like they're having fun making them and they look super tasty. The crepes, that is. The conversation and laughs appear to flow naturally, which is always a good sign. Last activity for the evening is Latin dancing. Go Rick, go Rick, go Rick! Shake your booty, shake your booty! And wholly-moley check out the height on Angie's heels! Those have got to be a good six inches! I'm somewhat afraid for Angie's safety at this point. Or maybe I'm afraid for Rick's safety? Those heels could do some serious damage. Luckily, they escape the night with no injury and all leave happy--well, except for Angie who didn't get that kiss she wanted. Sorry, Angie. Maybe next time?

First Impression: Cute girl, seems like loads of fun. I want to hang out with her and have her make crepes for me, too! Her fashion sense is a little out there, but not every Mormon girl has the same taste and variety can only be a good thing in Bachelor Rick's journey to find true love. Angie even has a heart on her shirt, is that a sign?

Surprises: Apparently a cousin applied for her to be on this and this Peruvian pint is a boxer--sweetness!

Second Date Potential: Moderate. Did she have fun with Bachelor Rick? No question. Did Rick have fun with her? Of course. But was there romantic chemistry? On her side, yes. On his, questionable. If there is a second date, Angie, consider ditching the high-heels for something more casual? Just a suggestion.

Creativity Level: Gotta give the girl a 9 because she is the first date so far to bring her talents to the kitchen! Not sure why she didn't just make him dinner, too, but at least she showed him her baking skills and what guy doesn't love a girl who can get her bake on?

Final Thoughts: There's a sense of differentness about this date and not just because Angie's the first non-white girl. It could possibly be that she was the first date to let Bachelor Rick into her home and share her talents with him. The first girl to allow Bachelor Rick to use his Spanish? You know every guy loves to show off their mission skills. Props to her for being vulnerable.

So, are we dead on, or dead wrong? What do you think?