Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Date #6 Samantha

Samantha G.: Sam, dear Sam. Can I call you Sam? I just want you to know this one thing: thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for leaving your pirate act at home on this one.

Date Recap: Did Samantha really pick Bachelor Rick up for their date? Yes she did, she's just that kinda girl--not afraid to be assertive (only confirmed as the date progresses)! Sam gives Bachelor Rick a long and lingering hug at the door and asks if he remembers her from when they were five--she even holds her hand out in the number five in case Bachelor Rick is too dumb, or blinded by her cuteness, to have heard the actual word "five." However, if we're being honest, we all know there is quite an age difference between these two thanks to her application video. So when Sam was "five" Bachelor Rick was probably 21. Just wanted to make that clear. I kid. This age stuff is all relative, right? Moving on . . . the date starts with Sam flipping a quarter to find out which direction they're going and then Bachelor Rick picking a "mileage sticker" to tell them how far to go on each turn. Well, it "turns" out they end up at a romantically lit gazebo, straight from some movie, although I can't remember which one, where Miss Sam pulls out some In-N-Out burgers. I could sure go for one of those about now. At this point we see that Sam did a good job planning this date, because clearly Bachelor Rick likes his burgers. After eating and flirting, they head to a little amusement park of sorts and yet again Sam  pulls out the "let's draw cards" bit to decide to the fates what activity they'll do next. There are bumper cars, creative miniature golfing where GASP, they lean in for a kiss. Told ya she was assertive! Or did Rick make the move? It's so hard to tell on YouTube.

First Impression: Cute girl, for sure. Young? Quite so. Will that stop Rick from dating her? Probably not.

Surprises: I think we learned more about Bachelor Rick from this date than we did about Sam. Sure there was the kiss and that in and of itself wasn't that surprisng because she's an actress and we expected drama. But here's what we learned about our pal TMB. Why someone Bachelor Rick's age is so enthralled with a Mylie Cyrus double is beyond us. Didn't she just turn 16? Isn't that a little out of his genre? That would be like Sara(h) 1, 2 or 3 being blown away that their date was once in a Justin Beiber music video. I just don't see any of them finding something like that "pinch me now" worthy. Also questionable is that Bachelor Rick said he had seen her at a few parties. I repeat, what is a guy his age doing at a party with girls her age? Bachelor Rick, we need to have a talk about this!

Second Date Potential: High. Very high. He kissed her for craps sake (and she's actually cuter than Mylie Cyrus). If he doesn't take her out again, he'll be forever labeled something very bad by every Mormon girl who follows TMB (how many is that anyway?). Maybe on their second date they can do something more traditional--maybe a bonfire on the beach where they can burn her high-wedged tennis shoes?

TMB Excitement Level: Bachelor Rick was definitely a little giddy after this date. He got some action, so most guys would be. Was the action too soon though? Some guys become un-enamored by a girl if they kiss her too soon. Is Rick one of these guys? Was Miss Sammy's actress side just busting at the seem to get the first kiss? Only time will tell.

Creativity Points: I say an 8. Sure her idea was fun and creative, but it wasn't totally original. I remember having several similar dates in high school. But, they both enjoyed themselves and that's what is most important, so good job Sam!

Final Thoughts: Sam, dear Sam. I like you because you'd probably be fun to hang out with and fun at parties (Party in the USA, right, Rickster?). You're an actress. You have a flair for the dramatic, as evidenced by your application video and only confirmed by this date. Bachelor Rick, dear Bachelor Rick, let's have that talk soon, okay?

So, are we dead on, or dead wrong? What do you think? 


  1. Dead on. Really funny recap. I have to say though, you missed out on a huge gem of a joke that because she's an actress she could be here for the "wrong reasons". I don't really think that, but it would be kind of funny to have the first drama rama on the mormon bachelor. lol on the miley cyrus thing, that was a little weird to me too.

  2. Why is everyone wondering about the age difference at parties?! I've been to plenty of parties where there were younger girls and older guys! That's pretty normal as far as I'm concerned. When I was a younger girl I dated a guy or two that were what we called the Provo All-Stars...haha the guys that were still in Provo to date the 21-year olds. Those were the creepers that you stay away from, and Buckman is not a creeper. So who cares?! Parties are usually open door, and when you're single you're looking to meet people! Parties are how you do that! And some guys think Miley Cyrus is hot. She's got a hot body and a cute face. All good things. She's young, but she looks 21, not 16. Thinking a girl is hot because she's MC's double is not weird. Not all mormon guys go for the JCrew conservative cardigan-wearing mormon girls....

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I thought everything about this date was a little over the top cheesy....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Watsonville - Rick was under consideration to be The Mormon Bachelor since the beginning of our request for Bachelor video applications back in November. At that time he was completely single and wanting to find "Mrs. Buck". We received Samantha's application through our site with no prior knowledge of a relationship between the two. They did mention that they knew each other when their families both lived in Rancho Cucamonga years ago. We do know this - Rick is NOT currently in a relationship with Samantha.
    -MB Staffers

  7. I agree with April...this date, while cute, seemed WAAAY too dramatic. I felt like I was watching his date audition the whole night. I will say that I loved what Rick wrote about his #8 date..."Still waters run deep." This date was definitely not still. Rick, when it comes time to choose, remember what you said in that same post, "The most beautiful relationships are calm on the surface."

  8. "still waters run deep...this date was definitely not still" so just to understand, you believe that because two twenty something's spent an evening goofing off at an amusement park then that must mean they're immature? As it happens I loved the date, It was what first dates are supposed to be like. Having fun and getting to know one another. Furthermore the fact that "old" Rick could still play I think is a sign of how great a dad he'll be someday.

  9. Coming from someone who has actually worked with Samantha before, it might benifit you all to know that I haven't ever met a more genuine person. Also while waiting around on set for the AD's to set up, Sam spent her time reading a book on psychology, how many girls do you know who do that? Trust me there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Sam.

  10. So does this mean, since rick is "good luck buck" that because he kissed her, she'll end up marrying the next guy she goes out with instead of rick? That could be a good thing for the rest of these girls.
