Saturday, January 15, 2011

Second Sara

Sara F.:  Date numero dos. Bachelor Rick is just getting started and this lucky girl lets her creative juices flow!

Date Recap:  The date starts out with Bachelor Rick picking up Sara at her home, I assume it's her home anyway. Bachelor Rick appears to already know Sara, which could be a good or bad thing, only time will tell, I suppose. Sara announces they're going "Geo Caching!" A confused Rick asks "Geo Caching? What's that?" Well, let us tell you in Bachelor Rick's own words: "Basically it is a world wide scavenger hunt where people go around finding mementos that other people have hidden. You can find the coordinates on a website and go around looking for them." The two hop on their bikes and make a break for it. How much conversation took place during the bike riding portion of the date, we'll never know. But we do know that they seem to be enjoying themselves. After they find the last "treasure" they head to the ice cream parlor (are they still called that these days?) and chit chat.

First Impression: Cute girl, love the hair bob, not loving the scarf action she's got going on, however. It would be more suited for a Western-style date--maybe something to think about for next time, Sara?

Surprises: Bachelor Rick seems to genuinely enjoy himself. We actually liked that about this date. You know a date is going well when you are thoroughly enjoying another person's company so much that it doesn't dawn on you to "make a move." Or was that just his excuse for not really wanting to "make a move"?

Second Date Potential: Moderate to High. If there's a second date, we advise doing something a little more low-key with less physical activity going on . . . Come on, you know what we mean.

TMB Excitement Level: Like we already mentioned, Bachelor Rick seemed to enjoy Sara's company. But was it more of a "friend" level enjoyment or something more?

Creativity Points (1-10): We give Sara an 8 on this one--definitely not your typical first date activity! We would have given her a 10 but riding around on bikes kinda makes it hard to hold a steady conversation with another person . . . unless you're really, really coordinated. But by the looks of it, Bachelor Rick probably doesn't ride a bike as much as he did when he was oh, say five-years-old.

Final Thoughts: Although Sara didn't get her "smackage" I'm guessing she might get a second chance.

So, are we dead on, or dead wrong? What do you think? 

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