Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Date #13 Kristy

Kristy U.: You'd think Bachelor Rick would be getting tired of all this dating (I know I am), but with Kristy around, that's just not possible. Thanks for allowing me to watch a date where I didn't cringe out of embarrassment. In fact, I kind of wanted to be hanging out, third-wheel-style, with the two of them. Kind of like your camera man. Speaking of the camera man, is he single?


Date Recap: Kristy, you clever thing you. Way to have some random dude point Bachelor Rick to where you were waiting to surprise him. I think he liked that. A little spontaneity is right up Ricky's alley. And perfect since I see you two already know each other. A perfect way to surprise, I'm going to guess, an old friend? Just look at that excitement when he realizes it's you! Reunited and it feels so good!  So, we know things are off to a good start. And then again with the excitement when he figures out what little adventure you two are about to embark on. Trapeze! Kristy must really be wanting to take this relationship to a whole new level. Thanks for adding some fresh air into the near middle of this quest to find Ricky's one true Mormon love. Perhaps it will be found as they fly through the air, performing all sorts of acrobatic aerial maneuvers. Which makes me wonder, if she's this good at flying through the air, what else is she good at? wink wink. Kristy looks pretty smokin' swinging from those bars. Oh no she didn't just do a triple axel. Oh yes she did! What now Ricky Baby, what now? I'm just going to assume ice skating terminology can apply to the trapeze as well. Correct me if I'm wrong. I give her a 10 for the landing. As for Ricky baby, I think he's wanting a piece of that. Just look at that grin. This date is full of high fives, smiles, shoulder rubs, pep talks, robotic dancing, and wait for it, yes, even chest bumps. A chic that chest bumps, yeah, she just got a whole lot cooler in our book. And don't worry, we did take notice of Ricky's famous PDA moves. He didn't go for the hand holding this time around, but there was definitely some cuddly cuddly walking into the sunset going on. Aw, so romantic.

First Impression: I think she's adorable. Fun. And an awesome trapezist who's totally up for a good time. I feel like she and I could be BFF's. Do you think she already has one?

Surprises: Get out of town! Did they just do some K-I-S-S-I-N-G behind that curtain?! Was that really kiss numero dos for Bachelor Rick?! I sure hope she remembered her strawberry lemonade lip smackers whatever happened. I know hear the boys love that. They say what goes on in the photo booth stays in the photo booth. So, I guess we have no choice but to leave it at that and let our imagination run wild. But not too wild, this is a Mormon show.

Second Date Potential: Moderate to High. If what went on behind that curtain is what I think went on behind that curtain, which it's not, but it's fun to pretend, than there's gotta be a second date.

TMB Excitement Level: Bachelor Ricks excitement was off the charts in this one. But there's something that has me questioning just what kind of excitement it was. Was it the "oh my heck this date, this girl, this night, are all amazing?" Or more of the excitement that's like, "this is awesome! I get to hang out with an old friend, do something fun I've never done before, and phew, pressure's off for the night. I can let the real Rick come out!" Which one was it people?

Creativity Points: She gets a 9.74624. Trapezing? I mean, who really does that beside the Ringling Bros?

Final Thoughts: I'm thinking Kristy was a good choice for this date. Whose with me? She livened things up a little bit with a 'no pressure' kind of date that was just perfect for Rickalicious, and I think that's just what we were aiming for here.  And really, I'm glad that it took the creation of The Mormon Bachelor for Bachelor Rick to start realizing that hanging out one on one with a girl is considered a date. Men! I think we just discovered why he's nearing 30 and still, S-I-N-G-L-E! It's quite endearing when Kristy refers to him as "Buck"--already, looks like she has her pet name picked out for him. Buck, Ricky baby, Bachelor Rick, get with the times, this girl doesn't want to be friends, she wants it bad, a bad romance that is. Rah, rah, ah, ah, ahhhh.

So, are we dead on or dead wrong on this one?


  1. So my girlfriend filmed that date and no she isn't single... sorry... But yeah I really liked the date and the girl. It looked like a lot of fun...

  2. You should always "marry your best friend" but this girl doesn't seem like the type he's hoping to marry....but what do I know?

  3. Fun date, adorable girl but it seems to me if he had of been interested in her as a marriage possiblitiy, he would have made the move long before this date.

  4. i would like to note that yes, she already has a bff. and she is even more awesome than this video portrayed. and a girl didn't film the date. their friend did.
