Saturday, January 29, 2011

Date #17: Jamie

Jamie R.: You may remember Jamie from her uniquely animated application video. If you don't remember her, don't worry, you probably won't see her around again on TMB, so it's no biggie. Okay, that was mean. In all reality, Jamie is a geologist and she rocks! (How often do you think she hears that joke?)

Date recap: Where to begin with this one? . . . Bachelor Rick starts the evening off by saying he's feeling something good in the air and he's at the Santa Monica Pier, so how can it not be good? Oh Rick. You set yourself up for that one. How can it not be good? Let us count the ways . . . cliche/touristy pier, lame rides, and weird street performers begging for money. Do we need to continue? How about we just continue on with the date? Okay. Things don't get much better, however, when Bachelor Rick and Jamie meet up further down the pier and Bachelor Rick really gets things going with the instant date killer line "Are you excited? Yeah? Me, too." All of which sounds completely lackluster with a hint of sarcasm. What did poor Jamie do to deserve that? She just flew all the way out from Colorado to go out with you! Speaking of which, is it just us, or does somehow traveling from Colorado seem slightly weirder than traveling from the East Coast? And it's thousands of miles closer to L.A., so how does that work? Does it have something to do with the awkward....pause. Hold that thought. Let me look up another word for "awkward"--I feel like even though it's fitting, we use that word way too much around here. Okay, got it. Discomfited. This date is only made more discomfited by the girly scream Bachelor Rick emits on one of the rides. After a few more lame-dash-o rides, the two head over to Third Street to watch some street performers. Now is your chance to stop the video and rewind as many times as you see fit to watch some majorly discomfited dancing. See that dancing? Yeah? Whoo hooo! We now know the real reason these two are white. Shoot. I mean single. We now know the real reason these two are still single. After some more dancing and more hand holding the two browse through some shelves of Crocs and we want to shout out "Back away from the crocs! Keep it moving, keep it moving!" Crocs were not cool when they came out last decade and they are STILL not cool . . . we wonder if Bachelor Rick owns any? The date ends with some ice cream and a foot rub. Don't jump to conclusions though, because the foot rub is done by a machine and not Bachelor Rick's hands. You can't blame him though--those hands have to work in people's mouths!

First impression: I'll let you in on a little secret. Usually upon spotting a new date on TMB's website I will read Bachelor Rick's recap of the date first and THEN watch the video. Rebellious, I know. I can usually tell within the first paragraph just how the date is going to go and if Rick is into his date or not. Since he started out this recap by saying "Geology! So many ways I could go with that" we instantly knew Rick was just trying to be nice. Because, come on now, so many ways to go with geology? No, sorry, there really aren't that many ways you can go with geology. Although I'm sure Jamie could prove us wrong. Rick goes onto say "In geology, one of the hardest components to predict accurately is the earth’s climate change." How does Rick know this? Did he just google it? Because we all know the only thing any of us remember from our middle school geology classes is that there are three types of rocks. I'm all for learning new info and stimulating conversations but if this is what Richard took away from the date we know it was doomed from the get-go. So, unfortunately, our first impression of this date just couldn't be high after reading all of that. Although for the record, after actually watching the date our opinion of Jamie skyrocketed. She was a cute girl, obviously smart, and she gets a pat on the back just for coming out from Colorado and for having a unique occupation. Jamie, we like you. Okay? Even if this recap suggests otherwise. It's not you, it's the date.

Second date potential: Slim to Moderate. Maybe Bachelor Rick would fly out to Colorado for a second date, but we're not predicting so.

TMB excitement level: We detected more of a "friend" level of excitement in Bachelor Rick's post-date interview. He enjoyed Jamie's company, and she obviously enjoyed Rick's, but we don't think there was a lot of romantic chemistry there. Sorry, Jamie. We know you had fun. And we had fun watching you. Trust us.

Date creativity: Santa Monica Pier is probably not the first thing that would cross my mind in planning a date (see reasons above), but it's what Jamie thought of, so we'll give her a three just because we truly do like her and think she's a nice girl who deserves more than a one.

Final thoughts: Why did Jamie apply to be on TMB? We feel questions like this could answer a lot about these girls. Are there no men in Colorado? Are there no men in Arizona? Are there no men on the East Coast? At least no attractive LDS men with any sort of potential? I'm sure a lot of them would answer "I just did it for fun!" Uh-huh. You expect us to believe that? Fill us in ladies, we need to know these things before we can accurately judge why you traveled such distances to go on a single date with Bachelor Rick! Thank you. That is all.


  1. ahem... as one of the girls who applied [see tomorrow's date] I can honestly tell you I did it "just for fun". I, in now way, went into thinking I'd find a husband.

  2. I applied just for fun too. Actually, I didn't apply. My sister did. But then after that I went along with it "just for fun." What's not fun about going to SoCal? But your line about if there are no men on the East Coast may be right on. Sure there are "men" here. That's all I will say.

  3. A lot of single LDS men throughout the U.S...but are they dating? 22 cheers for Rick for being willing to go on actual dates!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. All of the girls who applied are incredible. Maybe it doesnt work out with Rick but we stepped out of our comfort zone to go on a blind date that happened to be filmed! I don't think it's fair to rag on a girl based on 3 minutes of what you see on camera... Maybe it's just me...
