Monday, January 31, 2011

Date #19, Tina

Tina B: Okay, which was more awkward: a) Rick's recap of the date, b) Rick's description of Tina in his recap or c) watching the video itself?  Tina, you're endearing, but we'd be lying if we didn't say all of the above made us wince just a little.

Date Recap: We're going to give you a recap, but you have to promise not to look away, okay? It's going to be hard. At least it was for us. Here we go, deep breath... in... out...: the video kicks off with Tina explaining who she is and the dating journey she and Rickmania are about to embark on together. (This SNL skit may or may not come to mind as she introduces herself at the door as Tina.) We immediately think she must want her own cooking show to tack onto her already unusual resume, because she attempts to slice and dice a little as she tells us that immediately following dinner the two will be heading to a fireside! Can I get a what, WH-AT?! Fireside action! However, before we can head to the fireside, we must listen to what can only be described as gut-wrenching awkward conversation unfold at the dinner table. Please correct us if this is an inaccurate description. We learn Tina is/was a volunteer firefighter.  And then she asks Rick, "So, what kind of stuff do you like to do?" Tina, Tiiiiinaaaaaa, have you not been watching any of the other dates?! We already know what Bachelor Rick likes to do. Nonetheless, he proceeds to tell us of his deep affection for karaoke. And then he gives us a sampling of his favorite Meatloaf song while singing into a spoon. And just when we want to close the internet browser and run away and hide, finally, the moment we have been waiting for: the fireside. We were hoping Rick would use his spywatch to show us that he holds Tina's hand during the emotional fireside, but he must have been caught in the moment. So, we will never know what really went down inside the chapel. And then, it happens. Right before Tina and TMB exit the building, lo and behold like a breath of fresh air after a dusty twister rips through Kansas, there they are sitting on the foyer couch,  Mr. and Soon-to-be-Mrs. Matt Laidlaw. Matt gives a head nod and a "Rick, wassup, man." Wow. So good to see those two. It must have been fate that they were the only people left in the entire building as date 19 exited on camera at that exact moment. Glad to know the happy couple is still involved with YSA activities. Matt and Aubrey, your days are numbered. Soak in the YSA fun while you're still Y and SA. Let us continue. The date is not over yet. No, a delicious chocolate cake is still waiting to be consumed. But not before Tina discovers a note left by TMB staffers, "Dear Rick and Tina, Should you decide to forego your individual blankets, please use this Snuggie to keep each other warm. Sincerely, TMB Staffers." Please, date, end, just end. But it doesn't. We continue to watch them eat cake, and NOT use the snuggie. Ouch, Rick.  

First Impressions: First impression from the video? Darling girl, but do people from Virginia have southern accents? According to this, supposedly some do. So, we won't mock. Or first impression from Rick's blog? Yes, Rick, we know it must be awfully hard to keep 22 girls straight. At least you gave us some information about this girl. The others are all still mysteries. Our favorite line of Rick's blog entry was that he couldn't believe Tina would come so far on the day before her b-day to a place she's never been to spend it with him. Thanks Rick. We also couldn't believe your last date came so far 29 days before her birthday, and the date before that 97 days after her mom's birthday. What?!

Second Date Potential: Unless Rick can convince TMB staffers to set a building ablaze for a second date, we aren't going to hold our breath.

TMB Excitement Level: Horse gymnastics. We will say no more.

Date Creativity: It was Sunday after all, so we'll be generous here. When was the last time you went on a date to a fireside? One that Matt and Aubrey attended? Okay then.

Final Thoughts: Rick, don't take California for granted. Or girls.

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