Saturday, January 22, 2011

Date #10 Sara

Sara O.: Sara, Sara, Sara (you know, like Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!)! Who knew there were that many single LDS girls named Sara/h? Wait. Did we already use that line back with Sara #3? Well here we are with Sara #4. We can’t complain too much though because we really liked this girl.

Date Recap: Another theme park. This time at Disneyland. We’re glad Bachelor Rick has a strong stomach for rollercoasters, otherwise these dates would do quite the number on his system. But thanks to a few dates back, Rickilicious now has his pepto of choice figured out. This theme park date varies a bit from the previous two, because somehow, although Bachelor Rick doesn't reveal her secrets, Sara's got the hookup with D-Land. We get very little insight into their conversation to learn much more than that. In fact, the only conversation we even get to hear is their initial talk about whether to hit up California Land first. Oh, man, that is a rough one! California Land, no, Frontier Land, no... ugh! What to do?! The decision is unanimous, and they head to California Adventures. From this point on in the short video, we see a lot of waiting in line. I mean, a lot. I guess her hookups weren’t enough to bypass the lines. Though maybe she’s more big time than we think, and just wanted to make Rick feel “normal” by waiting in line with the rest of the D-Land folks. Throughout the line waiting and walking to the next ride, we slowly see the pair move from miles apart to much closer together- and finally BAM. Minute marker 1:26! They’re holding hands. The rest of the date moves forward without a hitch and the lovely couple caps off the date at Club 33. Though it’s a mystery what actually happens up there once the pair makes their escape in the ever-so-high-techy looking elevator. Come on, Rick. What happened to your spy watch?!   

First Impressions: This girl threw me off. With Bachelor Rick's misleading date recap, we thought she was going to be conceited and full of herself. Was it just us or didn't he really make it sound that way? Let's recap: "There is nothing more annoying than someone that goes on and on about how great they are. What I liked about my
date with Sara Olds is that she had this concept down pat." Is no one editing his stuff? I think what he meant to say was, “What I liked about my date with Sara Olds is that she was far from this concept.” Of course, she still could have been conceited--we will never know, because, again, we didn't pick up on much of the conversation. But she certainly didn’t seem that way. And we get good vibes from this lovely, stylish lady. And when we say stylish...are those jeggings?

Surprises: Well, I'll tell you one thing that is NOT a surprise. Bachelor Rick held her hand. Okay, okay. Is there anyone's hand that he hasn't held yet? But seriously we kept waiting and waiting and WAITING. Geez Rick, what took you so long?! It’s almost become a game now to find the point where Rick-lover-of-hand-holding (RLOHH) finally decides to swoop in to make the moves. If only cute Sara would have ditched her purse and sunglasses sooner, then maybe she would have freed up both hands to allow RLOHH to grab her hand much quicker.  Ladies, you really gotta keep those hands free!  
Second Date potential: Moderate to High. With this girl's hookups, Bachelor Rick is gonna want a second date. Where else is she going to take him? I think Rick wants to know the same thing.
TMB Excitement Level: She's cute. She's stylish. She's got hook-ups. Everyone wants friends with hook-ups. But goodness... where is she from, what does she do, how old is she, did the two know each other before? We have no idea, and we want to know.

Creativity (1-10): Sorry, Sara, as fun as your date looks, we can only give you a 4. Maaaybe we can push it to a 4.99997 because of your Club 33 connection. But that's as far as we can go. Yes, it is Disneyland, the theme parks of all theme parks, but for a date idea theme parks are just getting a little tiresome.
Final thoughts: At this point, if hand holding is any indicator, Bachelor Rick is going to have a rough go at narrowing down to only 8 second dates. A really rough go.

So are we dead on, or dead wrong? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Dead on!
    Yeah, Rick, come on - we wanted some spy watch action inside club 33.
