Friday, February 11, 2011

Melanie Again

Date #2 with Melanie: Oh, it's Melanie again. Ms. I-can't-go-out-with-you-because-I'm-moving-to-Ohio-and-it-would-be-too-too-dramatic-to-date-you-before-I-go-so-I'll-make-it-even-more-dramatic-by-turning-you-down-and-only-going-out-with-you-when-you-become-the-Mormon-Bachelor! Yes, THAT Melanie. Hi, Melanie!

I'm going to go out on a whim here and assume this second date was in order long before Melanie could catch her flight back to Ohio, where cute single boys apparently don't exist. I'm starting to wonder about all the single LDS men out there. A majority of these girls are from out of town, all for a date with Bachelor Rick. Either men need to get with the times, or Bachelor Rick is just that good of a catch. Either way, one thing's for certain on this date, Rick was up for having a good time, even when the original plans fell through. How many times have we heard that one already? If we were rating dates off of creativity points, which we're not, we would have easily given it a high 10. The movie idea was great, and surprisingly entertaining to watch. I don't know about you, but boy, I'm glad they decided to stand in the shower, drench themselves, and then go stand outside in the freezing cold, just so they could reenact a scene from the Notebook. How many times do you think they had to redo that scene? All I can say is, thank goodness they ended the scene there, it could have gotten pretty intense after that. But like Bachelor Rick informed on a few dates ago, this is The Mormon Bachelor, not The Mormon Player, in case we were confused.

The chemistry is definitely alive with these two. So I guess the question remains, will it be enough to make the Rickmeister choose Melanie to be his Valentine? Or will the reality of Melanie moving to Utah for school be too big of a thorn in Ricky's side for him to endure (or another excuse for Melanie not to date him?)?

Speaking of school/students, is it just us or do about 75% of Bachelor Rick's dates so far seem to be students? Either they are all super young or they aren't young at all and we're hoping they're getting their Ph.D.s or D.D.S's at this point in their lives. What dentist wants to date/marry someone still getting their undergrad? We're just sayin' . . .


  1. Just wondering isn't there usually chemistry when there is kissing involved?
    I agree that an academically accomplished individual would/should want an equally accomplished partner.

  2. If the Lord says you're supposed to marry someone who cares whether that person is an "equally accomplished partner" or in their undergrad? What is this? Nineteenth century England?!

    (Not that the Lord has told Rick to marry Melanie...not that he hasn't either :) ).

  3. I am not LDS, but I have been really enjoying watching TMB and following this blog. I am disappointed, however, to so much kissing of someone just met. I thought LDS values were higher than that.

    I applaud the girls who turned there head when Mr. Buck came in for the kiss. This may not be "Nineteenth century England", but we should all do our best to keep good moral values. I'm not so sure the "lucky girl" he chooses will be all that lucky. It's looking like this IS more "The Mormon Player" than The Mormon Bachelor.

  4. Almost Paradise, I in no way was referring to morals when I made the nineteenth century comment. I was referring to the fact that I felt like it was a snobby thing to say that someone isn't good enough just because they don't have the same level of education. That's what I meant by that :)

    But I agree with you about the kissing. It's what I can't stand about the real Bachelor show. I have only kissed three boys/men in my life and I take it very seriously. But at the same time you can be sure you won't be seeing any hot-tub scenes or overnights date! No way would that happen. He's only kissed a few girls and I don't think anyone is going to be hurt by that.
